Your True Colors Report

Thank you for the time to take the Online Assessment. True Colors® is a model for understanding yourself and others based on Personality temperament. The colors of Orange, Gold, Green, and Blue are used to differentiate the four central personality styles of True Colors®. Each of us has a combination of these True Colors that make up our personality spectrum, usually with one of the styles being the most dominant. By learning our methodology to identify your personality and the personalities of others, True Colors provides you with insights into different motivations, actions, and communication approaches. Although it is based on the complexities of psychology and temperament theory, True works because it is clear, easy to remember, and easy to use in all circumstances.

Learn About the Order of Your Colors

First – Brightest – Most Dominant (Primary Color)

Your First Color is the strongest, most dominant personality trait. The characteristics in this No. 1 spot on your color spectrum indicate the traits you most prefer to operate from and truly represent you. Your brightest color traits and characteristics are most likely the attributes you draw upon when you are being your most natural self—the ones that happen automatically, like writing with your dominant hand.

Second – Extremely Influential

The second color in your spectrum is #SecondColor. Your second color #SecondColor will have a major influence on your first color #FirstColor. Sometimes it will even outshine your first color. Your second color #SecondColor will often be confused by others as being your first color #FirstColor because you are able to call on your secondary color strengths in many situations.

Third – The Back-up

Your third color is not so much an obvious part of your personality; however, it is an important fallback position for your first two, especially when these strengths are required and appropriate. Your third color abilities support your first and second color personality traits; however, you can feel depleted if you are called on to use these skills for extended periods.

Fourth – Palest

The fourth is the last color in your spectrum. This is significant because these characteristics are the least natural to you. You may admire them in others, or more commonly, these traits may cause the most irritation or conflict with others. This is because they are the least natural for you, and possibly the least understood or appreciated.

What Is Next?

Download the Leadership Qualities of Your First and Second Color

PDF Leadership Qualities


Why might my assessment, survey rank, or card sort show up differently?

This assessment, survey rank, and card sort are all data points that point toward your True Self.

There are different environmental pressures when prioritizing the subjective order of the terms from the survey and card sort. When doing a card sort in a group we often see there are influences of how people see themselves, what they want to be, or what the group wants to see in them.

In an ideal world, people would be able to put themselves in a neutral space (The Buddhists would call this enlightenment) where the results would align perfectly. Another way to have better accuracy would be to take these tests consistently in differing circumstances. The conglomeration of data would then average out to aligned results.

Try taking a set of cards to your spouse, parents, coworkers. Ask them what they perceive you as. Compare this to what you think you are. This is one more data point to consider.

In the end, we all have a choice to shine brighter in one color or another given the situation.

How can I be sure?

The descriptions for each style are written in general terms so that you can use your imagination to try on each style treat to see how well it fits. This quick ranking is only a starting point to begin exploring your personality. Don’t worry if you’re not certain about the order of your styles at this stage.

It may require you to live through and reflect on some life experiences before you are certain of your True personal preference and innate approaches. Sometimes the behaviors we learn to survive in life (adaptive traits) can become second nature to us making it less easy for us to tell which one is our natural preference.

What about the ties?

Everybody has traits from all four of the styles, usually in different amounts. On occasion, some people feel their traits are evenly distributed – one style not any more dominant than the other. This could very well be true. Some people who have had a lot of life experiences, such as those in the military, have had an opportunity to develop many aspects of their various personality traits and therefore may appear to be quite balanced in their characteristics. Others have consciously gone about strengthening their ability to use traits from all four styles so they feel comfortable operating from any one of them.

Common reasons for reporting false ties?

Many personality experts agree “Green Thinkers” are the most likely to report equally will be spread personality traits. Because of their keen ability to extensively analyze their ever-busy brains can come up with examples of situations in which they have used each trait. However, as they continue their research it becomes obvious that the majority of their preferences are consistent with the Thinker style.

“Blue Connectors” also tend to shift to what the group needs. This is often due to their helpful, supportive nature. This propensity to be a “shapeshifter” tends to have them report “Blue” as one of their more dominant colors and distribute their other colors evenly.

Another reason individuals may not be able to discern their top personality style is that they are in a transition. In life divorce, death, changing jobs, moving to a different town, or other major stress-inducing circumstances can shift us into the use of our less dominant preferences. For instance, perhaps you or someone you know wasn’t able to truly be themselves for one reason or another.